I am beyond speechless that it’s been almost two months since I posted anything here. My goodness, where did the time go???
I went to a quilt show yesterday and was amazed at all the beautiful quilts. I think there were 200 quilts there as well as vendors. I did not buy anything – good for me!!
Here are some pictures of the quilts that I especially liked. I was amazed at the talent and the number of wall hanging. What I didn’t see was a lot of traditional quilts. That disappointed me. It seemed most of them were more fiber art than actual quilts that you could use. Still, it was an enjoyable afternoon.
This quilt was made by my friend, Gil. He was our Industrial Arts teacher until he retired. He and his wife discovered quilting. He pieces the quilts and she quilts them. How cool is that?!
Another quilt mde by Gil. This one is a wall hanging.
Love this made with selvages from the material!!